Friday, October 25, 2013

More on George MacDonald & Dan Hamilton

Oy -- my last post was almost a year ago! One of these days I will catch up with myself....

In any case, someone just asked about the original titles of the George MacDonald books edited by Dan Hamilton (see previous post). Here they are; the Hamilton editions are on the left, and the original titles are on the right. Keep in mind, however, that even during MacDonald's lifetime, different editions sometimes had slightly different titles. I have found The History of Gutta-Percha Willie, Working Genius listed as just Gutta-Percha Willie.

The Parish Papers:
     A Quiet Neighborhood / The Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood
     The Seaboard Parish / The Seaboard Parish
     The Vicar's Daughter / The Vicar's Daughter

The Last Castle / Saint George and Saint Michael (Follow this link to Peter Kazmaier's discussion of the conflict between the two "just warriors" in this book set in the time of Charles I and Oliver Cromwell.) 

The Prodigal Apprentice / Guild Court (I believe)

On Tangled Paths / Weighed and Wanting (This link leads to a discussion of whether Hamilton's edition should be considered a translation or not: .)

The Elect Lady / The Elect Lady

Home Again / Home Again

The Boyhood of Ranald Bannerman / Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood

The Genius of Willie MacMichael / The History of Gutta-Percha Willie, Working Genius

The Wanderings of Clare Skymer / A Rough Shaking

These books are available through Project Gutenberg. And here is a site devoted to scholarly writing about George MacDonald's work: North Wind Journal